Monday 17 December 2012


The message about the birth of Jesus came in different ways in Bethlehem. Herod got it from the wise men who came from the East. The wise men saw the star which indicated the birth of  messiah.

The message was specially delivered to the shepherds through God's angels.

The bible says in the book of Luke 2v3 that the shepherds received the message from the angels of the Lord, who appeared to them in their fields.
If you could put these three groups of people who received the message in a hierarchy, you could end up in this order; Herod, the wise(Astronauts), the shepherds.Meaning that the shepherds belongs to the lower class according to human understanding. However God viewed them in a different way, in his eyes they were as important as everyone else.

God's favour rests upon everyone,
we are all precious in the eyes of God,
God uses a different criteria in recognising us,
its not our skin colour,
its not our origin,where we came from,
its not our class or education.
infact he extends his invitation to everyone
starting from the king to the slave,
he wants us all to be partakers of his kingdom.

Merry xmas !!!!

Monday 17 September 2012


2 kings 18 v1-5

King Hezekiah was the king of Judah who ruled for twenty-nine years. He did what was pleasing in the Lord's sight. He trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel.

2 Kings 18&19, Isaiah 36,37
There came a time when the king of Assyria came to attack Judah. Hezekiah tried to make peace by settling the king of Assyria with gold and silver. Nevertheless the Assyrian king sent his commander-in-chief to confront Hezekiah in Jerusalem. After failing to meet Hezekiah, they started shouting insults at the officials who came to meet them, they boasted about their military skill and strength, they went on to say that no one can save the people of Judah not even the God of Israel.

The king of Assyria sent a threatening letter to Hezekiah, telling him that he should not trust in the Lord, the God of Israel. He said in his letter that he had managed to destroy many nations before who trusted in their gods.
Upon receiving the insulting letter, Hezekiah went up to the Lord's Temple and spread it before the Lord. He wanted God to see Sennacherib's words of defiance against the living God.
The lord answered through prophet Isaiah that Sennacherib's army will not enter Jerusalem and they will not even shoot an arrow at it. That same night the angel of the Lord went to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 soldiers and Sennacherib was killed by his own two sons.

We may seem vurnerable in the eyes of the enemy and he may try to take advantage of us but if we choose to spread all the ridicule before God, allowing him to fight for us, the devil faces the catastrophy because nobody mocks God. I learnt from Hezekiah that he really trusted God even if the enemy tried to put some doubts in his mind, by saying look we defeated you before and your God did not rescue you. However God said that i myself allowed you to conquer them, it was my plan, they rebelled against me.

Isaiah 38.
Hezekiah prayed to God again when he became deadly ill and he was told by Isaiah the prophet that he was going to die. Hezekiah pleaded with God, reminding him of his faithfulness and he was healed of his illness and God added another 15 years to his life. This again assures us that God is willing to hear our case, he says come let us reason together. Therefore whatever situation we are in God can turn it arround, he is waiting for us to trust him, talk to him. PRAY!

Thursday 16 August 2012


Reading the book of Ecclesiastes one may think the author is one of those who teaches against riches, saying that they are not associated with Godliness. However he is the same teacher who authored the book of Proverbs in which he is teaching us to work hard to avoid poverty(proverbs10v4). In the book of Ecclesiastes 2v18-23 he questions the value of all this hard labour since we will not take any wealth when we die.

Does the teacher contradict himself or there is something he wants us to learn from his experiences?
please stay with me and read on God will reveal to you even more secrets.

King solomon was very rich and famours but ended up being disappointed because he did not find peace in any of his riches. He started writing this book of Ecclesiastes saying; everything is meaningless and completely meaningless.
If you go through what this king had acquired you may agree that if he did not enjoy life after having all those things, then life is indeed is meaningless. This king had built huge homes, planted vineyards and animal parks(Wild animal parks), he had herds and flocks, slaves, gold and silver, women of all kinds, even personal singers for himself just to mention a few.
This king did not have all the peace as he expected because he tried to do it without God, he stopped trusting God and thought that many women or riches will make him happy.
He became frustrated and saw no difference between the poor and the rich and more over both of them die, their fate is the same he said. He argues therefore that, what is the point of acquiring much wealth yet you will leave them behind  when you die. In other ways he is saying being rich without God is as the same as being poor, and if i may add this poor may be better off if he knows God because at the end of life there will be a scenario of Lazarus and the rich man.
The teacher has also made other comparisons like the wise and the fool, the wicked and the honest
and sees no distinction in them if both does not obey God.

Brothers and sister after reading the words of this successful man, king Solomon, though he was frustrated i have learnt in his conclusion that life without God is indeed meaningless.
I have also seen the rich fellows committing suicide because of stress, that means the only happiness is in our creator not in many workers, personal jet, huge homes or holiday homes,bespoke cars etc. God wants us to have all those and enjoy the peace in his kingdom, he is the real source of happiness, our Lord Jesus is the Prince of peace.

May be you started pursuing happiness without God and is like chasing the wind, sleepless nights yet you have got everything, frustrations, disappointments, stress. Why not do the right thing by seeking his kingdom first, before you start hating life, meet the author of life and enjoy it to the full.
Please do not hesitate to email me should you need any guidance.

God bless you.

Saturday 21 July 2012



Anzathu ali pataliwo amakhalitsa,
koma ife aliyense atinyanyamila.
Ndi awo omwe owopa utali,
amantha kukwela mmwambawo,
nawonso apezelapo mphumi,
ena angotitengela lung'wanu.
Kaya amaganiza bwanji anthuwa.
Kusilira anzathu akamasintha,
akamacha kuvala za chikasu.

Ife timangothela biliwili,
sitifika patali amangotipulula.
Ena amakatiundika mmanguti,
koma si tonse timalama.
Kaya amaganiza bwanji anthuwa.
Ena atichotsa mchimake,
ndiye timayambapo kunyala,
kenako kusanduka zinyalala,
Ena ndiye atiyesa ngati miyala,
yolasila awo ali patali.
ativunga, tiphulika,tigwa chikaa!
Kaya amaganiza bwanji anthuwa.
Koma manthuyu amayesetsa zedi.
kuwapatsa mphepo ya yezi yezi,
kuwapatsa chakudya, mthunzi,
kuwasungila madzi mu nthaka,
kuwakongoletsela dzikoli,
koma iwo atitseketa tonse
Kaya amaganiza bwanji anthuwa.

Timabwelera Magule

kusowa zochita mmudzimu,
maka tikaweluka kuminda,
timangoti khale khale mmakonde,
ngati nkhuku zowutila,
popanda zisangalalo kuli chuu
kudikilaso kuche tikaswe mphanje
ndiye poti awa amabweletsa magule,
tonse timangoti unji unji komweko
tikatakasuke kutopesa pakhomo.

kuno timabwelera magule,
pokhapo ndiye ndiwulule,
osati nthano zawozo za mthira,
tinatopa ndi kumatidwa phula,
ndi awa otidyela masuku pa mutu,
muwaona akafika pa mpando,
safuna kuponda mudzi wawo,
ati tiwalodza ndife a thakati,
ife amene tidawasankha,
atatiudza atibweletsela chitutuko.

Lero akana kumwa madzi athu,
akuti awacheka mmimba.
Ife timwa zithaphwi zomwezo,

iwo amwa a mmabotolo ogula.

Ana awo aphunzira ndi azungu,

ife athu aphunzilira pa mtengo.

Apita ku zipatala za pamwamba,
ife ichi chipatala chisowa azamba.
Akhala mwa ngwee mmagetsi,

Ife tingolowa mu mdima wogwilika.

Monday 2 July 2012


Ezra, Chapters 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. This sermons explains how the the Israelites who had been captured by King Nebchadnezzer, who were returning to rebuild the temple of God in Jerusalem faced resistance. We will learn how God used King Cyrus of Persia(crowned as King of Babylon) in the process of restoring the temple of Jerusalem. I would also like to show how the enemies almost succeeded in frustrating the Israelites and how God interviened so that those who were trying to stop the building of the Lord's temple were the ones forced to help in providing labour, finances and other resources. We shall look into how their own accusations against the Israelites turned against them, just like the returning fierce allow back to the sender.


King Cyrus was the king of Persia, he conquered Babylon and therefore became known as the King of Babylon. He made a decree which can be called a law in modern terms, he decreed that all the Jews must return and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. He said that the Lord had given him all the kingdoms and chosen him to build his temple in Jerusalem(Ezra 1 verse 2) The Priests and the Levites and the leaders of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin returned to start the construction work(Ezra 1V5)


The Israelites knew the importance of this temple, that is where they used to offer their sacrifices to God who helped them to fight wars. The bulding of the temple was also like the reunion with their mighty God. Therefore all of them had the unified purpose to bulid the temple so that they can offer sacrifices to their God again.They left with gifts from their neighbours, articles given by king Cyrus which were in the old Israel temple before king Nebchadnezzer captured Israel. The Israelites started buliding the temple, they hired carpenters and bought cedar logs from the people of Tyre and Sidon. The work force was made of everyone who had returned from exile. The Levites who were 20 years old and above were put in charge, the whole work was supervised by Jeshua(Ezra 3V8-9) The bible says that when the builders completed the foundations of the Lord's Temple, the Israelites celebrated with music to praise the Lord just like in the same way David danced when he saw the Ark of God returning. The elders cried when they saw the foundations of the temple(Ezra3 verses 10-13) They must have remembered the old temple, and how it bought victory to them when they made sacrifices to God. They remembered how they took the temple for granted before, to the extent of abandoning it and start worshipping foreign gods, their rebellion ended them in captivity, God allowed their enemies to capture them so they were taken as slaves to Babylon. I will not be surprised to see them crying, overwhelmed by the mercies of God who had given them another chance. He is a long siffering God, ever loving father, a forgiving God.


The enemy did not like to see the Israelites building the Temple because that meant his downfall. They grouped against it and started writing letters to King Artaxerxes so that he can stop the work. Those opposing were led by Bishlam, they were writing in Aramaic language and it was translated. King Artaxexes was the king of Babylon who came after Xerxes and Xerxes took over from king Cyrus. He was not aware of the decree made by king Cyrus and those who may ask how check out how many leaders know the laws of their land by heart even now with all these modern technologies. The devil used this ignorance as a loophole to provoke King Artaxerxes so that he should hate the Jews. He likes this method dear leaders watch out, do not just harvest any anger from anyone else, examine each case, it might be the devil trying to fulfill his evil plans through you to hinder someone. The enemies of the Jews wrote to Artaxerxes telling him that the Israelites are rebuilding the temple and this will put the king to the disadvantage because they will stop paying the tribute. I wonder if they were happy paying tributes themselves since they were also royal subjects of Babylon. The devil has this in mind as he is attacking you,TIFANANE in Chichewa, Malawi language meaning WE SHOULD SUFFER TOGETHER. In their letter they called the temple rebellious and evil city, the devil uses strong words to finish you off. He knows where to press to provoke anger and cause distructions but i know my God, the God of Israel who turns evil into good! The king received the letter and indeed got convinced to stop the construction work, that is after making enquiries about Jerusalem. He found out that it defeated many kings before. Therefore he ordered that the Jews should stop rebuilding the temple.


The Lord spoke again through the prophets, Zachariah and Haggai. They encouraged the Israelites to continue building the temple. The enemies approached them again and this time they got a reply from the Jews. They told them that their God has commanded them to rebuild before through the decree of King CYrus who put this as law in the books. The enemies wrote another letter to King Darius who was the king of Babylon at that time, telling him that the Jews have resumed the building work and even challenging that it is a decree made by king Cyrus. The devil will always try his luck even if he knows he is lying, he is a father of lies and all his followers are liars, accusers of the brethrens. The enemies thought that king Darius will not check the previous laws and apply them on the case of the Jews. The king found out that the Israelites were telling the truth, the decree was there and this is what he wrote back and decreed in return; -Do not disturb the construction of the temple, let it be built on its original site where the Jews used to offer their sacrifices to God. -Everyone is to help in the building of the temple, that is including those who have been writing the letters to stop the work. -All the provinces must pay taxes to cover the costs of construction and they must also give provisions to the priests. -The king ordered that anyone found violating these decrees must be flogged and his house must destroyed.


The bible says that the work was finished(Ezra 6 verse 15) and was dedicated to God with great joy and celebrations. This teaches us that no matter how strong the opposition may be, if they are against God's plan, they will not succeed. No hand can remove even one finger of God. The devil will not be happy to see you reconciling with God, he knows he cannot touch you again if you make such decision. Therefore he will try to frustrate you. He will use all measures to stop you, castigating you by using powerful language, terminologies which will make you run out of words even forget your rights or arguments, but if you leave God to fight the battle for you, all enemies plans become nothing, God will use some of enemies weapons to help you fulfill your plans, it was the letters from the enemies of the Israelites which made king Darius to revisit the laws, in the end those enemies had to help building the Lord's temple, the work they hated and opposed before. When God said that the battle is mine it is because he knows how to turn bad situations for your own good. What battles are you facing? may the plans of your enemies be brought to nothing by God, may they fast truck you progress instead, it will help to achieve that they wished to destroy. Leave the battle in God's hands, allow the God of Israel to be your God because he is never too late, he shows up in time during battles and he can turn arround any situation.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

My chicks has chosen another hen. Those eggs I, incubate, Now they walk another direction. The 65 section, Brings them back not.

Wednesday 6 June 2012


2 Kings 5v1-14 There are alot of lessons from Naaman's story. I want us to look at how God brings people into our lives to be a channel of our blessings. Naaman was a commander of King Aram's army. He had an Israel slave girl for his wife. They got this slave girl at a time when the Arameans invaded Israel. Naaman had leprosy which is incurable in most cases. This slave girl, working as his house maid was the one who had information on how his leprosy can be healed. I would also say that this girl had faith because not everyone who knows of a healing story can actually go and preach that to the sick. Again she had the courage to speak and i even wonder how many times she had rehearsed to get the right approach, i mean to get the attention without offending her mistress. Its rare for house maids to be involved in such kind of discussions with their mistresses, and this one was a slave taken during a war. Those who have watched the film called THE ROOTS(Kunta Kinte), it shows how African slaves were being treated, including those selected to work as house maids, you would agree with me that it was not easy to start sharing such kind of information though it was important. Normally a slave is voiceless, he cannot give instruction to his master. I say this was a divine connection for Naaman to get his miracle. The news got the King of Aram that there is a man of God in Israel, who can pray for Naaman and get healed of his leprosy. The slave girl had assured Naaman's wife and insisted that a prophet in her land would pray to God and Naaman's leprosy will be cured. King Aram sent Naaman to the King of Israel with a letter of introduction. The bible says that on verse 7 of 2Kings chapter 5 that the king of Israel tore his clothes in dismay, he thought the king of Aram is looking for touble again, a war or something. This goes back to the point of saying the slave girl had much faith, that is why God used her as a connection. The King knew about Elisha, he was a Elijah's sevant and everybody knew about Elijah, a prophet who could bind rain for three years. King Jehoshaphat of Judah had been consulting Elisha during wars involving kings of Israel(2kings3v11), in short Elisha was known as a prophet of God in all Israel and Judah during that time of Naaman. The King of Israel did not simply believe that Elisha could pray for leprosy as well that is why he tore his clothes in confusion.


God arranges for people to come into our lives for various reasons. They can be a channel to our blessings, but not everyone can recognise that, many times we miss our opportunities. God can use people very low in the society to carry out this mission. A common villager can be the one holding a vital information on how we can get our miracles or they are a link to our breakthroughs.


Is is God who arranges these meetings and who puts these connections in place because he knows our needs. Therefore the starting point should be getting to know him, build up a good relationship with him, in short first get connected to God and he will do the rest. After getting to know him and it will be easy to treat all people the same in the society and learn that everyone has a vital role to play. If Naaman had ignored the slave talking because she was not important to be held then he would have remained with his leprosy. Please read the whole story and meditate upon it, you will learn how God gave him a lesson of humbleness. He was told by the messager of the prophet to wash himself in the River Jordan. There was a character in Naaman which God was dealing with. I love this God!

Monday 14 May 2012


Why did God choose a widow who had nothing to accommodate and feed the man of God? someone may ask this question but may be he wanted to fill her basket not to empty it. Elijah came to warn king Ahab of his rebellion, Ahab did not worship the God of Israel who promoted him and his fathers. Elijah commanded the rain to stop for three years so there was drought in the land. Ahab was a king of Israel but not from the line of Solomon. His kingship came from the line of Jeroboam, this man Jeroboam was an employee of king Solomon. He was skilled and employed during the time when king Solomon was repairing the walls of the city of David(1 Kings 11v28) later on king Solomon angered God by worshipping idols who were brought to him by his many wives. God who is not in favour of any person torn his kingdom into pieces. He was left with one tribe because God was keeping a promise which he made with David. He gave ten tribes to Jeroboam, the servant. Jeroboam took everthing for granted and started again worshipping idols,everyone who took over after him rebelled against God. King Ahab made it even worse by marrying Jezebel who was persecuting prophets of God. Elijah was sent to speak to this king Ahab who had built alters for the foreign gods, after he had commanded the rain to stop, God sent Elijah to Kerith brook to be fed by ravens. When the brook had dried he was told to go to a widow woman who hosted him.


There were places where Elija could have gone to hide where there was a supply of food. There was a devoted man of God called Obadiah, an in charge of the king's palace. This man was hiding 100 prophets in caves and he was feeding them (1 Kings 18v3). The reason i see why God is choosing this woman is to bless her, he wanted to give her this opportunity to host Elijah who was carrying his mission. She got her miracle by feeding the man of God otherwise she was going to sarve to death The principles of God like giving works for everybody, the poor or the rich anyone who is willing to learn the requirements in the kingdom of God.

May be God has seen you and know your needs, he wants to end your sufferings, that is why he is calling you to give or volunteer to that charity, to minister to that person in need, etc etc Do not miss an opportunity, God does not want to drain your resources, he has plenty he is rich and he want to fill your basket. Obey and follow his principles, he wants to demonstrate his power through you, people will now say how come him or her, how did it happen? look around you, switch on your TVs, there are so many appeals and you should have something which people don't have and may be which can save their lives. I heard about giving £1 a month to help a child from dying of diseases get from drinking dirty water. May God bless you as you are meditating about his words, may he open your eyes so that you cannot miss any of his angels who may be sent to bless you. You will never be shocked when he will say; i was hungry, you gave me food, i was thisrty, you gave me water to drink, i was naked, you gave me clothes.

Monday 7 May 2012


There are good reasons why Solomon asked for wisdom. These reasons pleased God as he said i will even add riches on top of your request. Solomon said to God; you have given me people to govern, they are great people and too many to count. I think by great he meant some of them are intelligent and even wiser than him. Solomon wanted wisdom to govern these people without making mistakes. He wanted to do things right by understanding the difference between right and wrong. This shows he was committed to his assignment, he liked it and wanted to do his duties with more care. He wanted to govern God's people with moral intelligence or with justice to all. This was demonstrated in his ruling of two prostutes of which one lost his baby and wanted to claim the other live baby as hers. He had emotional intelligence because he could feel what the true mother of the baby felt, he tested them to say i will kill the remainining baby and divide him between you too, the one who refused was said to be the true mother.


Solomon's request was a good first step in his preparations as a new king of Israel.This vacancy needed someone who was willing to offer something to the people of Israel, someone who was not full of self interests or just looking at what the job will offer him(benefits) We learn even in our world when offered a job interview, they say avoid asking too many questions about the benefits you will get from the job, ask much about the nature of the job, your duties, what the employer requires from you, etc God had found the right candidate for the job, Solomon. Please read God's answer to his request, 1 Kings 3V11; So God replied "because you have asked for wisdom to govern my people with justice and have not asked for a long life or wealth or death of your enemies, i will give you what you asked for, wisdom and understanding more than anyone else. V13; and i will also give you what you did not ask for, riches and fame, no other king in the world will be compared to you for the rest of your life" He got these blessings from God because his heart was good, he did not want to govern unwisely whereby oppressing his people and getting himself rich.In case we miss it he was also the great giver both to God in sacrifices and to the poor. If we show a heart of willingness to God, he is there to make us competent for the job, he has so many vacancies but the labourers are few and sometimes those workers available are there for personal gains, unpleasing to God the owner of the field. Maybe the one reading this today is the right canditate for God, that is why you had the appettite to read all this to the bottom line, why not ask God for wisdom, knowledge and understanding? if you are scared that people will question your capability.God gives a good training brethren and he can even put to nothing the wisdom of this world, i mean the wisdom of your enemies who tries to kill your destiny for selfish reasons.

Monday 30 April 2012


I get amazed with the relationship between David and God.It seems they understood each other very well i should say. The way David responded to God's desciplining and corrections and even the way God kept favouring David. Saul was cut off from God when he offered a sacrifice to God taking the position of Samuel the prophet without authorisation, he thought he had the power just to do anything 1Samuel 3v9.He was then rejected by God together with his descendants, they could not take on his leadership. We hear he tried to plead with God but who knows it did not come from his heart because God can probe the heart or he was forgiven but God did not want his kingship to continue. David had some weaknesses too just like any other human being. He killed Uriah after committing adultery with his wife. God rebuked him through Nathan, the prophet. The woman Bathsheba became pregnant and got married to David. Their son became very ill, David fasted for seven days but the son died. David did not get angry with God, he knew he deserved the punishment, he went to the tabernacle and worshiped him. This act amazed the elders who thought he will put on sack cloth. The other amazing thing is that the second son of David with Bathsheba was Solomon who later became the wise king.


It could be because he repented from deep down his heart and also may be his habit of worshiping got him always closer to God. David knew where he was before becoming a king, he knew that the secret of his success was God. he could not afford to lose contact with him who took him from the bush. He had to repent and reconcile with God to get connected to him all the time. God hears the true repentance, infact that is what he is always waiting from us, just like the story of the PRODIGAL SON, the father was always waiting for the son to return. David was the worshiper, he worshiped God like he is not a king according to Michal his wife. She saw David through the window dancing, praising God in the middle of his servants. She says she was embrassed the way David was dancing. He told her he can do anything for God and his throne will still be there.By the way Michal became barren all her life because of her careless comments and dishonouring God. David was worshiping in the way that it touched God's heart. He did not care what people will say. The Lord loved David and promised him to be a father to him, correcting and desciplining him with a rod like any father will do. This father/son type of relationship is what we should really aim for. I always say if God is desciplining me it means he sees a posibility of me becoming a better person. He still regards me as his child, he has not disowned me, he is concerned about me. He is correcting me because he has not given up on me. Therefore i should keep on worshiping God no matter the situation. The other God news is that we have an advocate, Jesus, who intercedes for us above in heaven, he pleads for us to say i died for them, pardon them. This means brethren our prayers agrees with the intercessions offered by Jesus above. May be that is why we get answers to some things before even praying for them. This is amazing!

Thursday 19 April 2012


David had some skills apart from looking after the sheep but it took time for people to start recognising it. It could be because of his position in the family. Many cultures up to now determine the seniority by the age or older of birth. The Israelites believed that the first born was to take the highest position or has to be first in anything, that is why Jacob ended up having two wives(sisters). If you have been following my messages, i had mentioned cases where God had to change the tradition and do things differently, I mentioned about Ephraim and Manasseh when God blessed the younger son instead of the older one. In my most recent article i said God make rules and we cannot question him when he decides to change the way he wants to do things.


When Samuel was sent to anoint a new king of Israel to take over Saul, God told him the king will be one of Jesse's sons When Eliab came forward, he thought in his heart "surely this is the Lord's anointed" but God said 1Samuel 16 v 7 dont judge by his appearance or height for i have rejected him. The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them, people judge by the outward appearance but God looks into the heart. Samuel asked if there is still any son of Jesse to come forward for the Lord had rejected all whom he presented. watch out how Jesse is describing his son; 1Samuel 16v11 "There is still the youngest, but he is out in the fields watching the sheep and the goats. Firstly he is young cannot be the king of israel while the older sons are there,secondly he is in the field and probably dirty, it will take time for him to wash himself and appear here and finally look all he knows is looking after sheep, what can he do in the palace? but it ended up being him David whom God was looking for at this particular day. There is something which God had put in us which makes him look at us differently and its hard for people to see it, sometimes its God himself who blind them not to see it, to protect us. Imagine if David's brothers had known that one day he will be anointed as a king and rule over them, a shepherd like him and them being warriors, i wonder whether they would have taken it. We see God opening one of the Saul's servant eyes when the Saul was looking for a musician. 1Samuel 16v18-he says, one of Jesse's sons is a talented harp player,not only that he is a brave warrior, a man of war and has good judgement, he is also fine looking young man and God is with him. I wonder how he knew all these yet his close relatives did not describe him like that. May be this servant heard David had killed a lion and a bear with his bare hands, and the spirit of God is just encouraging him to talk like that to the king, confidently recommending David to this job, indeed after polishing his profile into an acceptable format, deleting the shepherd bit and saying he is a warrior, a man of war yet the battle he knew was the fight he had with wild animals. When the anointing of God is upon your life, your skills and talents will come to an open, people will talk about your achievements and recommend you, your skills will become unbeatable because when a position is open for you, noone will be able to do things the way you do. The requirements for that particular job will only be found with you at that particular time, just you! who is reading this message. We read further that David became the king's armour bearer. I believe God was preparing him for he was to become the next king of Israel.He was dwelling in the bush with animals now he needs to learn a royal life. If its God promoting you, he will prepare you himself whether its the language, the dressing, the food, the way you walk anything really required for your new life. You dont need to be born in a palace, rich family,Europe, Asia, Africa etc. God will pick you up from any rejected corner/backgound and make you up to any standard. Word of encouragement from Judith Alekadala(http//

Sunday 8 April 2012


Let Deborah write her song, and open the floor. My fellow poets, singers. write with her the words. but let her start the first verse. we fear you can repeat the error. of writing songs about her jewels that which provoked God. Join her to worship God above he who sends Sisera to Jael. The hospitality woman joins warriors. she gives milk instead of water. Her left hand holds a tent peg, with the right a hammer Now Deborah will rule Israel, but the song we sing is about the greatness of him above not about her earrings. Alert the singing birds in the forest, to sing praises for God. then he can descent follow the aroma, to fill Deborah with wisdom to rule

Monday 2 April 2012


Reading Deuteronomy 28v7 says; The lord will conquer your enemies when they attack you. They will attack you from one direction, but they will scatter from you in seven! This means people will attack you as a team. They will collaborate as a group to defeat you. They will also try their best even in circumstances just to achieve their goal. In short people working as a team are dangerous and difficult to conquer. But if God is fighting for you even the power of a team work can be brought to nothing, more especially the wicked team. He will scatter it in many directions so that it cannot even stand. No team can disturb his plans because he does not go by any man's principles. He makes rules he can work inside his rules or outside his rules, who can question God? With these reveletions brothers and sisters i jump with joy to know that if God is by my side who can be against me? or if God is for me wetin' a man go do? Happy Easter Week to all.

Saturday 24 March 2012


The book of JOSHUA 5 Verse 11 reads;the very next day they began to eat unleavened bread and roasted grain, harvested from the land.12 No manna appeared on the day they first ate from the land and it was never seen again. So from that time on, the Israelites ate from the crops of Cannan.

The above passage does not say that God waited for them to completely defeat the Canaanites before they start claiming their benefits from the land.The manna stopped as soon they tasted the crops of Cannan.They are in the promised land and everything in it belong to them no need for handouts(Manna).

May be something has been cut out in your life and you are wondering how am i going to survive without this and that provision.It may be God is implementing a new system in your life,it can be a step ahead, a promotion, new business deals etc.You might have entered a new zone where you are too big to be getting handouts and God knows very well that you are ready to produce and enjoy the fruits of that land.
May be its a new system we just need to figure out how to use it.

Thursday 15 March 2012


I ignore my unpleasant life,
My future is better than now.
With my dreams i manage my today,
because it will lead to reality.
Suicide spirit no chance with me.
I dwell in my future life,
because its a colourful life.

Thirsty elephants survive the heat,
they endure the long walk,
knowing they will reach water spot.
When i go on an empty stomache,
i see my future food store overflow.
I dwell in my future life,
because its a colourful life.

When i go on foot on cold,
i see myself in my private jet.
When kids mock me and laugh,
as they see me sleeping rough,
i see my own kids in my mansion.
I dwell in my future life,
because its a colourful life.

written by Judith Alekadala (all copyrights reserved)

Sunday 4 March 2012


Most of the sins committed before the coming of Jesus, were resulting in the death of the offender for example;adultery-Deuteronomy 22v22, mulder-Leviticus 25v17,dishonouring parents-Leviticus 20v9 etc.The person found guilty was to be stoned to death after the verdict.The judgement was passed after the testmony of two witnesses.

God wanted these people to be removed from the group Israelites to remove evil from among them. He did not want them to influence the others.The verdict was to be fully executed with no modifications.

other sins were worth the sacrifice of animals.They called it sin offering.
some examples of such sins were; cheating in a business deal-Leviticus 6v2, making foolish vows-Leviticus 5v4 etc.

There were special instruction on how to slaughter these sacrifice animals and special fire was to be made to burn them. The procedure was only done by the ordained priest at a special place chosen by God. There were even special animals for each type of sin

The blood of Jesus made a huge difference.It is strong enough to cleanse the sinner, bringing him to an original status whereby he can no longer be a bad infulence, therfore no need to kill sinners nowadays. The blood of Jesus can stop the spreading of iniquities.
The other amazing thing is that anyone can call upon Jesus for forgiveness anytime anywhere.

There is no need now to slaughter animals,
we have the blood of Jesus.
no need for special fire for burnt offering,
we have the Holy Ghost fire.
The blood of Jesus,
Heals ALL disease,
fights ALL my enemies,
Cleanses ALL my sins,
Talks of ALL good things about me.

Saturday 25 February 2012


Cry to the Lord,God Syria!
He hears the small
as well as the great.
Say you not we have no oil.
See you oil in India?
Have they oil in China?
He's got his ways,
to prosper the nations.

Great rulers rush to kings
whose economy stand healthy
they make ties with the wealthy
But you Syria known by God,
let your help come from him
let the world know there is God,
who shows up in battle,
to defend the oppressed.

Monday 20 February 2012


Joshua was helping Moses through out perhaps thats when he acquired the leadership skills.He was also among the spies who went to check the promised land and gave a good report.

Joshua and Caleb were the people who gave a good report and encouraged the Israelites to conquer Canaan.They ignored the size of their enemies whom the other group called giants.Joshua and Caleb knew their God and trusted in him to fight for them and they said; Do not rebel against God and don't be afraid of the people of the land.They are only helpless prey to us,they have no protection, but the Lord is with us! don't be afraid of them.(Numbers 14:9)
Joshua had seen the power of God before and that is why he was positive about the whole process of conquering the land. He was a commander when the Israelites defeated the Amalekites(Exodus 17:13)
The other group's report did not please God because they exalted the enemies other than God, they did not believe him after all the miracles he had performed among them. We now learn that God did not allow them to enter the promised land.

Joshua now became the leader as they crossed Jordan(Joshua 1:2).Actually it was Joshua who led them. It could be that God is always looking for people who can trust him, those who can say God will see us through this. That faith which is in you will attract him to come and work with you.
If you trust him he will take you through because there are no giants before God.The other reporters saw themselves as grasshoppers, that means they did not recognise the presence of God among them but he was leading them day and night.There are some challenges which makes us feel the same but today's message is a reminder,if God is among us we are great people.Joshua witnessed the fall of Jericho with his kolo kolo eyes(natural eyes), he saw and spoke with the fighting angel who introduced himself as "The commander of the lord's army"(Joshua 5:13).

May the confessions of your mouth be in line with God's purpose upon your life
May your spiritual eyes open to see Gods army fighting on your side.
May your town be alloted to you and bear your name ie Pokoyoyo city, Topolino city, please put your name it is your enherited/promised land.

Saturday 28 January 2012


Nyimbo izi zitsefukila mu mtima mwanga,
sizichoka pa kamwa panga,
zituluka ngati katsupe,
mukandizodza ine Yehova!
nditsila mnsembe iyi nthawi zonse
sinditopa kuimba nyimbo za matamando,
ngati ka mbalame ako ka munkhalango.

Mtima wanga umveka yazi yazi
nyimbo za ukulu wanu zitsitsa mtima
zindipatsa chimwemwe
kafungo kabwino ka kuzodza
kandifikila inenso
kafikila kwa inu mfumu
kaposa mnsembe yopseleza.

Wednesday 25 January 2012


Why did the Israelites asked Aaron to make them golden image to be their new god to lead them? they had their own God of their fathers who took them out of Egypt, out of slavery.

The Israelites stayed long with the Egyptians, the idol worshipers.
It could be they might have remembered and admired their hand made gods.These are the gods and magicians who failed to save the Egyptians from the plagues inflicted to them as a punishment from the God of Israel.

We seek for wrong alternatives just because of small challenges and delays in our life.
The other question we should ask ourselves is; where did God took us from and why?

Just as Aaron was building the golden image, God was instructing Moses up the Mount Sinai to set him apart as a priest,Aaron and his sons were to be ordained and given the priestly garments.
We divert from God without knowing he is seriously making plans for our destiny.

Canaan was God's promised land, a covenant he made with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.This hand made breathless gods or idols could not finish God's plans.
Idols cannot lead us to our happy destiny, anything we put our trust on which makes us to divert from God is idol.

The Israelites were supposed to call upon God,even without Moses he could have heard them just in the same way he heard thier cry in Egypt for God to call Moses from the land of Midian

Whatever problem we face lets call upon God.
May God answer your prayers dear reader.

Saturday 14 January 2012


The lord said to Moses, i will multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt.
When I raise my powerful hand and bring out the Israelites, the Egyptians will know that I am God,
I will spare the region of Goshen where my people live, no flies will be found there, then you will know that I am the Lord and that I am present even in the heart of your land.

God wants us to be distinguished in these hard times because he has a promise to establish and prosper us.
The term of the covenant which he made and reaffirmed is to reclaim us as his people and establish us, give a promised land.
which land?
everywhere where your foot shall step.


Moses asked God, who am I to speak to Pharaoh to let the Israelites go,
The Lord answered him I am going to be with you

If God is with you brethren your status will change,
You are no longer a nobody,
you are somebody,
A royal member of the highest kingdom,
you can speak to any king,
you are operating from above.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

My God My Planner

My God my planner of my destiny,
They planned evil against me in vain,
I, among strangers i reign,
I rule a land so foreign,
I rule them who hated my dream.

My God did not leave me alone,
He used their plans my stepping stone,
I fly high and rise high,
I soar like an eagle in a sky,
I rise in the eyes of my enemies.

My God gave me wisdom,
He restored my freedom,
He gave me descernment,
to fulfill my assignment,
yes in a foreign land!

My God has made it happen,
I stand in place of wise men,
I wear the king's signet ring,
I put on his gold chain around my neck,
I hold the ruler's stuff in my hand.

God Raising Great People

When Joseph was presenting his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh to Jacob for a blessing, he tried to position Manasseh to Jacob's right hand because he was the first born and needed to be greater and he directed Ephraim the younger to Jacob's left hand.

Jacob crossed his hands and laid his right hand on Ephraim and his left hand on Manasseh.
Joseph was not happy and thought his father is making a mistake, though Jacob was half blind but he knew what he was doing.
Jacob said that both will be great but Ephraim will be greater than Manasseh, he will take the first born blessings.

If it was about being the first born and strength,
Esau would have been the father of the twelve tribes
instead of Jacob.
Reuben would have been ruling Egypt
instead of Joseph.
If it was about how you were conceived,
Adonijah would have taken David's throne
instead of Solomon born on adultery.
The list is long.

He gives assignments to us all,
He also gives us capabilities.
The question is are we available?
The lord is raising great people in this year!
whether you are minority or majority,
First born or last born,
The weak he will make them strong.

Saturday 7 January 2012

My thoughts

My life is a an endless feast,
My heart is broken no more,
My spirit is crushed no more,
I soar high as an eagle,
I have seen the Lord who sees me