Friday 24 January 2014


Jesus being the son of the most high God, you would think he will go to the high temples to recruit his disciples. He went to the sea shore of Galilee and start calling the fishermen to be his first disciples(Mark chapter 1 verses 17 to 18). These fishermen were not bible scholars like the scribes, they learnt about the God of Israel through their parents not through formal training. They were not strict observers of the commandments like the Pharisees and the Scribes, in one occasion they were accused of not fasting like them and the other day they were plucking the ears of the corn on the Sabbath which according the Pharisees was unlawful.

Its amazing how God can choose anyone to his assignment. Looking into the profiles of these fishermen, I don't think according to human eye they met the criteria to be the followers of Jesus. There was John the Baptist who started the work to prepare the way before Jesus. He could have been picked because he already knew the coming of Jesus. He recognised and respected him (Mark chapter 1 verses 6 to 8). It would have been easier for him to continue with Jesus but his assignment ended there and God wanted to choose other disciples to carry another assignment of spreading the gospel.

God can assign you to any work and start training you himself, not only a conversion from a fisherman to a fisher of men. It could also be from a cow boy to a king or a leader like David, it can be from a prisoner to a prime minister like Joseph, it can be from a poor niece, widow to a queen like Esther and the list goes on. God is a maker, he can make you to be what he wants and he can start with anybody.

May he start with you the reader of this message this year 2015! may the promotion come to you even if people including your boss thinks you are not well qualified, you don't have formal training, may you get that job, that business, that woman if she is for you, that man if he is for you, that scholarship. Please add to the list what you want and receive it!